He was born in Caracas, capital city of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, on April 23rd, 1973. He is a graduate in Law of Andres Bello Catholic University (1996); additionally, he holds a Graduate Diploma in Penal Law of Pantheon-Assas University, Paris, France, a Graduate Degree in Teaching at University Level of Santa Maria University (2000) Caracas, Venezuela, and Magister in Penal Law of Santa Maria University (2003) Caracas, Venezuela. Specialist in General Criminal Law of the University of Salamanca, Spain, as well as other degrees, diplomas and courses at both international and national level.
Mr. Villarroel was a Professor of Penal Law (General Theory) at Santa Maria University, Caracas, Venezuela, and a member of different cultural, juridical and humanitarian organizations in Venezuela.
He currently serves as Vice President of the International Federation of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent National Societies.
Mr. Villarroel has accomplished an outstanding career in the Venezuelan legal profession. He was a member of the National Assembly’s Joint Committee for the Creation of the Penal Code and the Supreme Court’s Committee in Charge of the Formulation of the Penal Code. (2002-2003) Also, he is the International President and founder of the Venezuelan Business Club. Additionally, he has written several studies on juridical matters related to the penal field and has attended numerous events of scientific, juridical and humanitarian nature, in Venezuela and abroad.
His professional work has earned him several decorations from the Venezuelan Government and from juridical organizations.
- ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Colegio La Salle, La Colina. Caracas, Venezuela.
- HIGH SCHOOL: Colegio La Salle, La Colina. Caracas, Venezuela.
- POST HIGH-SCHOOL: College du Leman. Geneva, Swiss. 1900 – 1991.
- Law Degree. Law School, Andres Bello Catholic University. Caracas, Venezuela. 1991 – 1996.
- Certification as a Foreign Legal Consultant (Florida Bar, USA) 2003.
- Graduate Diploma in Penal Law. Pantheon-Assas University, Paris II. Paris. France, 1998 – 1999.
- Graduate Degree in Teaching at University Level. Santa Maria University. Caracas, Venezuela.1997 – 2000.
- Graduate Degree in Penal Law. Santa Maria University. Caracas, Venezuela. 2000 – 2002.
- Magister Degree in Penal Law, Santa Maria University Caracas, Venezuela. (2002 – 2005).
- Language and French Civilization course. Paris-Sorbonne University. Advanced Level. Paris, France, 1997 – 1998.
- Spanish (mother tongue)
- English (advanced)
- French (advanced)
- Attorney-at-Law (Penal matters), Escritorio Juridico Villarroel Sierraalta.
1996 -Present. - Co- Director of the Escritorio Jurídico Villarroel Sierraalta,
Caracas, Venezuela 2002 – Present. - Vice President of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies. (2017 – Current)
- President of the Venezuelan Business Club
2003 – Present. - Director of the Fundation Jose Gregorio Peces Barbas,
Madrid -España 2014 – 2017. - Professor of Penal Law, Santa Maria University.
Caracas, Venezuela. 1998 – 2003. - Member of the General Assembly’s Joint Committee for the Amendment to the Penal Code of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela. 2001.
- Member of the Penal Section in charge of the Creation of the Supreme Court’s Penal Code, Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela 2000.
- Special Assistant of the ?field of Penal Procedural Law, Andres Bello Catholic Universty.
Caracas, Venezuela,1996 – 1997; 1998 – 1999. - Second Vice-President of the Venezuelan Red Cross.
Caracas, Venezuela 2012 – present. - Student Representative. School Council, Andres Bello Catholic University.
Caracas, Venezuela 1995 – 1996. - Supernumerarii, Seventh Court of First Instance in Penal Matters, Metropolitan Circuit of Caracas. Venezuela,1995.
- Director of the Law School’s newspaper “Juris Leyendo”. Andres Bello Catholic University.
Caracas, Venezuela ,1993 – 1996. - Assistant to the Director of the Law School’s newspaper “Juris Leyendo”. Andres Bello Catholic University.
Caracas, Venezuela 1992 – 1993. - Legal Assistant, Escritorio Juridico Villarroel Sierraalta.
Caracas, Venezuela 1991 – 1996. - First Aid Auxiliary, Venezuelan Red Cross.
Caracas, Venezuela 1990 – present.
- “High Performance Boards Course.” (IMD Global Board Center)
February 12-15, 2018. - II International Conference “Corrupcion y Terrorismo, Riesgos y Desa?ios del siglo XXI,
November 22 – 23 2005, Miami Florida, USA. - Merrill Lynch, Global Investing Program
March 30 -31 2005. Miami, Florida, - Penal System: Basic Questions, 2nd Intensive Graduate Program. Law School, Buenos Aires University. April, 2002. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- Basics of Penal Law, 2nd Intensive Graduate Program. Buenos Aires University. July 2001. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
- 8th Graduate Program in Penal Law (Special Part). General Foundation, Salamanca University. January 8th – 25th, 2001. Salamanca, Spain.
- 2nd Program on Corruption, General Foundation, Salamanca University.
January 8th, 25th, 2001. Salamanca, Spain. - Program of Instruction for Lawyers, Harvard Law School. June, 2000. Boston, Massachusetts. USA.
- Study Program of Cornell University’s Law School (USA), Paris I University – Pantheon- Sorbonne (France) and Compared International Law Summer Institute (Paris). Paris, France.
June 30th – August, 1998.
- Convención de las Naciones Unidas contra la delincuencia organizada Trasnacional y sus Protocolos. Tribunal Supremo de Justicia de la República Bolivariana de Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela ,21 y 22 de Octubre de 2003.
- Análisis de los Aspectos Penales relativos al temario del Concurso de Jueces. 07 de Junio de 2002. Centro de Estudios de Actualización Legal. Caracas, Venezuela.
- Introduction to the Legal System of the United States. Grupo Profesional. Caracas, Venezuela.
- 1st Legislative Discussions on Ley sobre el Estatuto de la Función Publica, Ley de Registro Publico y del Notariado, Ley de Creación, Estimulo, Promoción y Desarrollo del Sistema Micro ?financiero, Ley de Demarcación y Garantía del Habitat y Tierras de los Pueblos Indígenas. National Assembly. Caracas, Venezuela May 29th, 2002.
- Protection to Victims of Common Criminality. Supreme Court. March 22nd, 2002. Caracas, Venezuela.
- 5th Discussions on Penal Procedural Law, Second Amendment to the Coding Organic Procedural Penal – COPP (Organic Penal Procedural Code). Andres Bello Catholic University. March 6th – 8th, 2002. Caracas, Venezuela
- Penal Procedural Systems, particularly in Andean Community Countries. September 25th – 27th, 2001. Caracas, Venezuela.
- Expert in International Humanitarian Law Program. Henry Dunant Institute, Venezuelan Red Cross. Agreement between the Venezuelan Red Cross and the Court-Martial of the National Armed Forces. July 15th, 2001. Caracas, Venezuela.
- 1st National Meeting on Civic Security. Institute of Advanced Law Studies. March 29th, 2001. Caracas, Venezuela.
- 4th Latin American Seminar for the Development of Experts on Money Counterfeit. September 13th – 17th, 1999. Caracas, Venezuela.
- Amendment to the Penal Procedural System in Venezuela. Deanery of Graduate Studies and Department of Research and Development, Santa Maria University. November 22nd, 1996. Caracas. Venezuela.
- Reform to the Penal Procedure, Initiative and Development Group, General Of?ice of Student Services. Law School, Andres Bello Catholic University. Caracas. Venezuela, April 24th, 1996.
- 4th Congress on Constitutional Law, Venezuelan Association of Constitutional Law, Presidential Committee for the Reform of the State (COPRE), Andres Bello Catholic University. November 15th – 17th, 1995. Caracas. Venezuela.
- Conference: “Re?lections on the Application of the Civil Code”. Andres Bello Catholic University. October, 1995. Caracas. Venezuela.
- Seminar on Precautionary Measures. Romulo Gallegos University, Foundation
- of Studies on Administrative Law. October 16th, 1995. Caracas. Venezuela.
- Seminar on Civic Participation. Presidential Committee for the Reform of the State (COPRE). October 5th – 6th, 1995. Caracas. Venezuela.
- International Seminar: “The Defender of Human Rights and the Reform of the State”. Presidential Committee for the Reform of the State (COPRE), Konrad –Adenauer – Stiftung Organization, Interdisciplinary Of?ice of Latin-American Development Studies. July 17th – 18th, 1995. Caracas. Venezuela.
- 1st International Conference on Administrative Law. Allan Brewer Carias Foundation of Studies on Administrative Law. November 7th – 10th, 1995. Caracas. Venezuela
- Series of Conferences on “Artificial Insemination and In Vitro Fertilization:
- technical, legal, ethical and religious perspectives”, Andres Bello Catholic University. April 13th – 14th, 1994. Caracas. Venezuela.
- Forum: “Venezuela: Perspectives on Economic Development and its Relation with the Foreign Sector”, J.M. Duran Duran Foundation. March, 1994. Caracas. Venezuela
- GDP y Samuel J. Raven, member of the law Firm Escritorio Juridico Moore & Raven. November 21st, 1993. Caracas.Venezuela.
- Seminar on the Venezuelan Penal Procedure. Institute of Legal Science and Economics. March 19th – 20th, 1993. Caracas. Venezuela
- Meeting of the Inter-American Committee of the Red Cross CORI (Punta Cana, Dominican Republic, 26-28 May 2017)
- IX Pan-African Conference. Abidjan, Ivory Coast (9 – 12 April 2017)
- 100th Anniversary Celebration of the Panamanian Red Cross, Panama City Panama, (March 14-15, 2017)
- Elections of the Executive Committee of the Venezuelan Red Cross, Caracas, Venezuela, June 18, 2016.
- National Committee of the Venezuelan Red Cross. Caracas, Venezuela (June 17, 2016)
- XX General Assembly of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, December 4-9, 2015, Geneva, Switzerland.
- Comité Directivo Nacional de la Sociedad Nacional de la Cruz Roja Venezolana. Caracas, Venezuela 19 de Junio de 2015.
- XX Conferencia Interamericana de la Cruz Roja (Houston – Texas, USA) 27 – 29 de marzo de 2015.
- Conferencia de Roma, 17-19 de Octubre, Roma (Italia)
- The 9th IFRC Regional Conference, June 4-6, 2014, Florence, Italy
- CLACR meeting, April 23-24, 204, San Salvador, El Salvador.
- IX General Assembly of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, November 12 -17, 2014, Sydney, Australia
- Meeting of former Yugoslavia Countries, Slovenia, October, 12, 2013
- VII Conference of National Societies from the Americas in Miami city, Florida, USA.
- Visit to Kyrgyzstan (Bishkek)11-12th of September 2013, meeting leaders from National Societies of Central Asia.
- National Convention of the Venezuelan Red Cross (Sucre State, Venezuela) (July 11-12, 2013)
- NEPARC-Nairobi, Kenya Meeting (June 22-25, 2013)
- 8th MENA Conference in Tehran, Iran, April the 21st and the 24th, 2013
- Rome Conference, Italy, April the 5th and the 6th, 2013.
- VIII Pan African Conference Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, October 22-24, 2012
- 5th Conference of Countries of National Societies of the Americas, performed in the city of Miami, Florida, USA, 4th and 5th of October of 2012
- Celebrating the 85th Anniversary of the Dominican Red Cross. 13 August 2013.
- XXV National Convention of the Venezuelan Red Cross, Caracas, Venezuela On May 25 – 27, 2012.
- Elections of the Board of the Executive Committee, Sectional Federal District, of the Venezuelan Red Cross. Caracas, Venezuela April 14, 2012.
- XIX Inter – American Conference of the Red Cross Societies (Montrouis – Haiti) 13th and 16th of March of 2012.
- XVIII period of sessions of the General Assembly of the International Federation of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent Societies Geneva, Switzerland.
- National Directive Board Committee of the Venezuelan Red Cross, 12th of November of 2011. Caracas, Venezuela
- International Course of Formation and Development of National Societies of the Red Cross in Latin America and Caribe Human Rights, Sustainable Development and Public Policies in Latin America In the city of Quito, Ecuador, 12th of October 2011.
- Comité de la Sociedad Nacional de la Cruz Roja Venezolana., Caracas, Venezuela 30th of January of 2011,
- 8th Conference of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of Asia and Paci? Jordan, Amman, October 20th. 2010.
- 4th Conference of Countries of National Societies of the Caribbean and Center America, performed in the city of Miami, Florida, USA (14th – 15th of October of 2010)
- Regular National Directive Committee of Venezuelan Red Cross, On the 7th day of October of 2010, Caracas, Venezuela
- Meeting summoned Panama by the International Federation to analyze the 2020 Strategy. (16th, 17th and 18th of August, 2010)
- National Board of Directors of the Venezuelan Red Cross, Caracas, Venezuela 20th of June of 2010,
- Centennial Celebration of the Red Cross in Ecuador.( 20 -22 April 2010)
- Elections of the Board of the Executive Committee, Sectional Federal District, of the Venezuelan Red Cross. Caracas, Venezuela (April 14, 2010)
- 125th Anniversary of the Costa Rica Red Cross. (7 – 9 April 2010)
- Special Committee of National Society of the Venezuelan Red Cross. Caracas, Venezuela 30th of January of 2010.
- XVII General Assembly of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies, in the city of Nairobi, Kenya. 17 to November 21, 2009.
- National Red Cross Societies of Central America and the Caribbean Meet in the City of Miami, Florida, USA October 14 to 16, 2009,
- Meeting of the Venezuelan Red Cross National Committee, Caracas, Venezuela September 26, 2009
- NEPARC (New Partnership for African Red Cross & Red Crescent Societies) meeting in Nairobi, Kenya. (August 27 – 29, 2009)
- Special Meeting of the European Union National Societies in the city of Brussels, Belgium, 24 June 2009.
- Commemoration of the Sesquicentennial of the Battle of Solferino, in Solferino Italy between 23-28 June, 2009.
- Sixth Regional Conference of the National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies of the Middle East/North Africa area, Damascus, Siria, 20-21 June, 2009.
- Celebration of 90th Anniversary of the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies(Paris, France 4 May 2009).
- Agenda of the International Federation meeting in Panama: Strategy 2020. 30-31 March in Panama. Ciudad de Panama, Panama 2009.
- VII Pan African Conference South Africa, October 19-22, 2008.
- National Red Cross Societies of Central America and the Caribbean Meet in the City of Miami, Florida, USA, September 18 to 21, 2008
- CCROC Meeting, the city of Ocho Rios (Jamaica)
- National Red Cross Societies of the Asia Pacific Meet in Vanuatu, in Port Villa, Vanuatu, from April 1 to 4, 2008
- 36th General Assembly of the Arab Organization of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Held in Tunisia. March 22 to 24, 2008.
- XVI General Assembly of the International Federation of National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. Geneva, Switzerland. November 20 to 22, 2007
- National Red Cross Societies of Central America and the Caribbean Meet in Miami, USA (September 18 to 21, 2007)
- XVIII Inter-American Conference of the National Red Cross Societies (Guayaquil, Ecuador) June 4 to 7, 2007
- Recognition of the Colombian Red Cross, March 11, 2022.
- Distinguished honorary guest, Chacao Municipality, Venezuela. January 2021.
- Recognition of the French Red Cross. Paris France. January 2021.
- IMD Global Board Center, High Performance Boards, Switzerland, January 2018.
- Peruvian Red Cross Recognition. Lima, Peru.January 2018.
- Resolution of the Mayor’s Office of the District Municipality of Pimentel, Peru, January 2018.
- Resolution and Recognition of the Mayor’s Office of the District Municipality of Cura Mori-Piuria, Peru, January 2018.
- Visitor recognition and honorary guest of the Chacao Municipality, Caracas, Venezuela, January 30, 2020.
- Recognition of the National Council of the Dominican Red Cross, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, October 23, 2018.
- Plaque in recognition, Dominican Red Cross, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, October 23, 2018.
- Recognition, Peruvian Red Cross. Lima Peru. – January 13, 2018.
- Recognition as “Illustrious Visitor” District Municipality of Cura Mori – Piura, Peru. Piura January 12, 2018.
- Recognition as “Illustrious Visitor” District Municipality of Pimentel, Chiclayo, Peru. Piura January 10, 2018.
- Recognition, granted by the Dominican Red Cross. November 2017.
- Martin Luther King Prize, in his First Class, Awarded by the International Organization for Human Rights (OIDDHH), Caracas, Venezuela. October 7, 2017.
- Order of Dr. Adolfo D¨Empaire in his gold class, awarded by the Venezuelan Red Cross, Zulia Section, Maracaibo, Venezuela 8, December 2017.
- Recognition, Dr. Agustn Zubillaga, Medal Mention, awarded by the Venezuelan Red Cross Lara Section, Barquisimeto December 8, 2017.
- Proclamation of “Miguel Villarroel Day” Proclamation, awarded by the city of Doral, Florida, USA. (2015)
- Medal of Honor to the Merit of the Congress of the United States of America, Washington, USA. (2009).
- Proclame Miami Dade County, Florida, USA. 6th October 2006.
- Gran Orden del Colegio de Abogados del Estado Miranda. Bar of the Miranda State. Los Teques Venezuela. 23 june 2006.
- Distintion Cecilio Acosta. Gobernacion del Estado Miranda. Venezuela 28 de july de 2004.
- “Distintion “Doctor Arminio Borjas en su Segunda Clase. “Federación of the Lawyer’s Bar of Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela Junio 2001.
- He Distinguished Services Medal, Executive Committee of the Federal District, Venezuelan Red Cross. Caracas, Venezuela March, 1997.
- Diploma of Honor to Professional Merits, Board of Directors of the Lawyer’s Bar of the Federal District. Caracas, Venezuela June, 1997.
- The “Augusto Pinaud” Medal. Venezuelan Red Cross. Caracas, Venezuela May, 2001.
- “Doctor Arminio Borjas”. 2nd Class. Federation of Lawyer’s Colleges of Venezuela. Caracas, Venezuela June, 2001.
- Venezuelan Business Club Active Member. 2003- Present
- Venezuelan Red Cross. Member. Caracas, Venezuela 1990 – Present.
- Bolivarianan Asocitions. Caracas, Venezuela 19 de abril 2005 – Present
- Lawyer’s College of the Federal District. Member. Caracas, Venezuela
- Institute of Lawyer’s Social Prevision (Venzuelan Bar). Member. Caracas, Venezuela
- Institute of Hispanic Culture. Member. Caracas, Venezuela
- Young Jurists Nonpro?it Association. Member. Caracas, Venezuela
- Youth Red Cross Member (1981-1990)
- Anteproyecto Código Penal. Tribunal Supremo de Justicia. Caracas Venezuela 2004.
- Anteproyecto Código Penal. Comentarios. Tribunal Supremo de Justicia. Delitos
- contra la propiedad intelectual y la propiedad industrial. Caracas Venezuela 2004.