The complexity of the world in which we live, where every day brings new natural disasters and more people are forced to flee wars, and those displaced for various reasons, as well as those affected by countless diseases, means that the number of people needing help and protection is ever-growing, and that obliges us to keep more than ever in mind the mission of our International Federation:
“to inspire, encourage, facilitate, and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by National Societies with a view to preventing and alleviating human suffering and thereby contributing to the maintenance and promotion of human dignity and peace in the world.”
(Article 4 of the Constitution of the Federation).
This statement commits us to being able to assist those communities that need it most, both in times of peace and in war, in times of disaster and crisis. That is why we need strong National Societies, independent and self-sufficient, throughout the world, with influential relations at government and corporate level, able to ensure the wellbeing and enhanced means of subsistence which help to reduce poverty.